Visualizing Supercomputer Data @ Oak Ridge National Lab
About this project
In Summer 2022, through the U.S. Department of Energy's Omni Technology Alliance Internship Program, I was appointed to work on real-world challenges related to cybersecurity and information technology at Oak Ridge National Lab. To this end, I employed Python to develop a novel dynamically colored supercomputer map using a full-stack, interactive visualization framework.
I presented my project at the 5th Annual Smoky Mountains Computational Sciences Data Challenge (SMCDC22) and was awarded as a Runner Up for Best Lightning Talk. At SIAM's Conference on Mathematics of Data Science (MDS22), I presented a poster, which is also linked below.
All-in-all, it was life-changing to experience all of this, at the precise time that Frontier was announced the fastest supercomputer in the world! I am so grateful for the opportunity and hope to work on more HPC projects in the future!